Hands on Design on ''Alchimag''

Hands on Design on A.CASA
A.CASA pubblica i lavori di feltro di Tumar e le torniture eseguite da Lorenzo Franceschinis di Slow Wood per i progetti di Shiina+Nardi...

IQD - Inside Quality Design - Thanks to Roberta Busnelli
IQD, an important architecture and design magazine, dedicates to our project Hands on Design, an article about the exhibition of April...

Hands on Design on Domus Again
From July 4 to 6, we have celebrated the tenth anniversary of Studi Aperti with "Food Connection": three days non-stop on a very topical...

Hands on Design is in Confort Magazine in Japan
Mie Uchida dedicates to Hands on Design a space in her article about Milano Design Week. The magazine who contain the article is Confort,...

We have been DDNized!
In the number 204 (June) of DDN, Hands on Design has been published in the Giulia's Bruno article titled: "Artigianato e Design dal...

Festa dell'Architetto - Architecture is Happiness
During the Festa dell’Architetto, in Martina Franca, in the evening of Saturday 28/6 there will be a talk on the theme "Architecture is...

Slow Wood + Shuji Nakagawa - 中川周士
Legno Lento Presentazione Shuji Nakagawa, Maestro Artigiano Celebre Giapponese Che il Utilizza legno, con Una tecnica Particolare, per...

Hands on Design on Domus web!
DOMUS dedica ad Hands on Design un bellissimo articolo sul suo sito e ci riempie di orgoglio; congratulazioni agli artigiani, ai deisgner...